Kohala Food Hub (KFH) is an aggregator, distributor, marketer and online marketplace of locally grown and produced food in North Kohala. KFH is a mission-based project focused on contributing to North Kohala’s food security by supporting local farmers to increase food production, supporting local food businesses by increasing their access to markets, connecting consumers in Kohala and its surrounding areas with healthy locally grown food, and serving vulnerable populations in our community with free locally grown produce via grant funds and partnerships with other local organizations and agencies.
In addition to KFH’s online market, CSA program, free community food program, wholesale accounts, ‘ulu aggregation activities, and service of Kaukau for Keiki and other seasonal feeding programs, KFH will be launching a mobile market project in 2024 to further increase community access to fresh, nutrient dense food and a value-added product line to further increase its support of local farmers. KFH helps build and support our farming community, rural economy, and regenerative agricultural practices that preserve the land and our natural environment for generations to come. It is located in Hawi.